work-life balance

Where to get $50 services during Spa Week

We know, we know: There's a week for everything. National Dog Week, National Chocolate Week, National Bowling Week. But THIS particular week is worth...

Not Sometimes – Always.

Tonight's 10 p.m. wish: that I never forget where to look first when it's hard to find light. Sometimes we have days that bring us...

Book Release Celebration Day!

Tonight's 10 p.m. wish: That I could find a way to personally and adequately thank everyone who helped make this past Friday night so...

A Crazy, Magazine Cover-Worthy Idea?

Tonight’s 10 p.m. wish: That jobs that are “compatible with life” will someday become the new normal. Here in the U.S of A. Is that...

Our Life in Print

Tonight's 10 p.m. wish: that my newly-published book will help at least a few people struggling with too-consuming jobs find a path to a happier,...

Nobody Has it “All Together!” Okay?

Tonight’s 10 p.m. wish: that people would stop pretending they have it all together. Because I know I never will. None of us ever will....

Five Signs You Need a New Job

Tonight’s 10 p.m. wish: That someone who reads this will take a step, today, to get out of a toxic job situation. I've been talking...

Amazon introduces same-day shipping in Indianapolis

For as much as our family loves shopping locally, sometimes there are those few household needs we can't find at our local hotspots. Plus the...

My Almost Epic “Home Alone” Day

Tonight's 10 p.m. wish: that I could have more days like this. It's not like I won the lottery, or opened a new musical to a...

Even Wonder Woman Can’t Fix the Unfixable

Tonight's 10 p.m. wish: that I knew several years ago what I know now. Some things are not "fixable." There I am, four years ago....

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