Must visit: Tuttle Orchard sunflower maze

My wife refuses to enter corn fields anymore thanks to a job she had when she was growing up. I guess in nineties Nebraska the child labor laws were pretty chill when it came to“detasseling.” I’m not exactly sure what it entails but suffice it to say she curls into the fetal position and cries anytime I mention mazes at a farm. She usually assumes it going to involve a cornfield. So, when Indy’s Child asked me to check out a SUNFLOWER maze I was all about it! Not only is the weather getting right to that perfect not-too-hot-not-too-cold phase, but the scenery is beautiful and I’ve yet to meet anyone with a deep-seeded fear of sunflower fields.

Tuttle Orchard Sunflower Maze _ Indy's ChildTuttle Orchard Sunflower Maze _ Indy's ChildTuttle Farms is a lot like many of the farms you’ll visit this fall with your family: Apple picking, peach picking, fresh produce, hayrides and all the caramel apples you can eat. Actually, it’s more like all the caramel apples you can afford, because my 3 year old daughter can tear through a bushel of caramel apples without batting an eye. Anyway, the thing that sets Tuttle’s above the rest is this sunflower maze. I don’t know about you, but this is the first I’ve heard of something like this and the experience didn’t let me down at all.
Tuttle Orchard Sunflower Maze _ Indy's ChildTuttle Orchard Sunflower Maze _ Indy's ChildMy two younger kids and I braved the maze on our own. It’s well cleared and – except for a few low branches and some mud – it’s relatively free of obstacles. Nothing scary jumps out at you and interspersed with the sunflowers are some nice petunias that really brighten up the path for you. It’s a great place to take pictures of kids being kids.

Hot tip: Tuttle Orchard notes that rainy weeks can lead to a muddy Sunflower Maze field, and they recommend coming in “mud-friendly” gear for your visit!

Actually, can I level with you? We just got our youngest son potty trained {HOORAY!} and I’m still a little leery of taking him anywhere in public just yet. Mainly because of fear I can’t get him to a potty on time. So this activity was really perfect for us. In an upcoming post you may see me allude to my kids’ affinity for peeing outdoors in the National Parks. It is worth noting that he didn’t end up having to pee while we were out. Thank goodness. I’m not saying I forgot to bring a spare change of clothes as I was repeatedly reminded to… I’m saying it really put me at ease to know that, worst case scenario, he could hide in some flowers if nature called.

Tuttle Orchard sunflower maze _ Indy's ChildAfter we made it out of the maze my 3 year old pulled my 2 year old around in the free provided wagon for a bit before we hit up the aforementioned caramel apples. Which I’m going to call a healthy snack. It’s an apple after all. Exercise, time outdoors, and healthy snack all completed I came home with two very happy little kids who then specifically asked to be put down for naps. I don’t know about you, but I call that win-win!
Tuttle Orchard sunflower maze _ Indy's ChildTuttle Orchard sunflower maze _ Indy's Child
MORE INFO: The Tuttle Orchard Sunflower Maze is open through August 26, 2016, or as their website notes “after if blooms continue.” Cost is $4/person. Kids 2 and under free. Hours for the maze run Mondays-Fridays 11am-6pm and Saturdays 9am-6pm. Closed Sundays. Call {317} 326-2278 or visit their website for additional details.


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