stay at home dad

Things I say to my kids every day (In addition to I love you)

No matter what, every day I find myself saying these six things to my kids.   1. “You are smart.” Plenty of other people will tell them...

Blogging for your soul

  Writing is an easy way for me to think things through, voice frustrations and find peace in parenting. So yes, this is a blog...

You do NOT want to be a stay-at-home dad

You may think being a stay-at-home dad is all snuggles and cartoons, well, you're wrong, all wrong. I sure do miss going to work every...

That’s not Candy!

It was a cold, rainy Sunday. My wife was wrapping up a weekend work marathon. My kids were driving me a bit crazy. I...

Awards Judge Quote

This quote about my blog, from a judge at the Parenting Media Association awards, made me so happy, it is exactly how I try...

My View from the Carpool Line

[True Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Dad]

The Ups and Downs of San Francisco (Dad 2.0 Summit)

I woke up that morning to zero degree temps and a frozen bathroom sink pipe. Next, my wife called to tell me her 24...

More Than Money

Sometimes as the full-time at home parent I wish I could contribute more financially to our situation. Recently an opportunity to do just that opened...

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