
Ask the Teacher: Trip tips

We have a long driving vacation planned, and it seems like a good opportunity for reinforcing some school skills. What can I do other...

Ask the Teacher: Summer reading

I hated reading over summer break when I was a kid. How can I keep my daughter from feeling the same way? Summer is the...

Summer Learning Loss

The last day of school is an event every kid (and many parents) can hardly wait for – finally a break from the tests,...

Indiana Historical Society Introduces Genealogy to Kids

While many adults have been turning to genealogy as a hobby prior to or during retirement, introducing children to genealogy is something many parents,...

Summer Science

For many families, the end of the school year heralds the beginning of flexible schedules and time to let your children be children. However,...

Target launches “Thanks A Billion” campaign

{Posted with gratitude to Indy's Child reader Michelle for the tip!} As the school year wraps up, Target wants to help families across the country thank...

Indianapolis Museum of Art preschool enrollment now open

Details of the new Indianapolis Museum Of Art preschool - planned for a 2015-2016 school year - have now been formally announced, and enrollment...

Butler University launches language and literacy progam

Butler University has announced the launch of a new program through their Communication Sciences & Disorders division: The Butler Early Language & Literacy {or "BELL"}...

The Most Important Montessori Lesson

Did you know that 100% of Maria Montessori International Academy students read before kindergarten? Montessori children often learn to read very early. When they...

Ask the Teacher

Standardized testing, disagreeing with classroom policies, challenge work

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