It wasn’t working for my family.
It was the only career I knew, and as terrifying as it was to imagine leaving, it was equally terrifying to think of staying.
I was under constant scrutiny. From the public, from managers, and from myself.
My own scrutiny was probably the worst.
Tonight’s 10 p.m. wish: that when we find ourselves in a storm of self-doubt, internal criticism and paranoia, that we find a way to KNOCK OFF THAT NONSENSE AND GET POWERFUL!
During my last year working in the television news business, I was basically at war with myself, and stuck in a love-hate relationship with my career.
The diary I kept during my final year in that intense broadcasting world has now been published as a memoir: “Know When to Run: Lessons from the Diary of a Gen X Mom.” It’s been awesome to hear from so many people who have told me how much they could relate to my story, and how they found it helpful in some way.
I’ve heard from people from all over the country: people in broadcasting; people in a wide variety of intense career fields from sales to education to law; mothers; fathers; professionals without kids; stay-at-home parents; and retirees. It’s amazing to me how many people can relate to feeling trapped in a job that is “incompatible with life” – or at least the life that they want.
One lesson I learned during my pivotal year of career transition decision-making was to be more confident about what I could bring to the table, and to learn to SHUT DOWN that inner voice that sometimes flooded my brain with insecurity.
Here’s what I want to try hard to remember every time insecurity sinks its teeth in deep: “I’m doing the best I can with what I have to give to this world. And that’s enough. The people who matter to me most see past the “flaws” anyway, and imperfection is part of being human. We are all learning. And evolving. And most of the things we worry about REALLY DON’T MATTER. Put your energy into the things that do matter.
One thing I discovered: having your face on giant billboards and the side of a bus, might have a tendency to magnify your insecurity. Yikes.
If “Know When to Run” is helpful to you in some way, please let me know about that. It makes my day, and I love hearing other people’s stories. It’s pretty much an addiction. I love being a storyteller, and being part of the Indy’s Child community. It brings our generation together as we try to raise the next generation to be the kind of leaders our world needs.
I appreciate your support sharing posts and spreading the word!
May your insecurities take a day off so you can kick back and enjoy the best moments – and transitions – your life has in store.