Get Moving in the New Year 

Experts recommend that individuals ages 6 and older should get at least an hour of moderate to vigorous activity every day. But how can a busy family manage that? You may hear this and think it sounds great in theory, but look at your calendar and feel the cold air outside, and begin to wonder if it’s possible. We have some good news for you: it is! And not only is it possible, it can also be a great bonding experience for your family.  

Here are some fun ways you and your family can get moving in the new year!  

Visit a Trampoline Park 

The cold winter days can make the thought of exercising a bit less appealing, especially when there is a warm blanket you can cozy up under. The good news is that trampoline parks are open year-round, and fun for not only kids but grown-ups, too. You are guaranteed to burn a ton of calories, get an incredible leg workout and laugh a lot with your family while your kids watch you act like a kid again.


Go Sledding 

Sledding? Really? Yes, really! It’s not so much going down the hill, but trekking up the hill is sure to get your heart pumping. To top it off, walking through snow is much more strenuous than a regular walk. And this exercise comes with a built-in bonus: Every time you walk up the hill pulling that sled, you get to experience the exhilaration of flying down the hill, full speed ahead!  

Try Ice Skating 

The great thing about ice skating is there are both indoor and outdoor options available. Gliding on the ice is a great way to get in shape, and spend a memorable afternoon with your family.  

ice skating indianapolis


Trek Around on Snow 

Both cross country skiing and using snowshoes are incredible cardiovascular workouts that turn a snowy day into a great adventure. The only problem is both require gear you may not have on hand, or want to invest in if you aren’t planning on making this a regular activity. Some local state parks and winter outfitters offer rentals during the winter months. Check with your local parks to see which ones may offer rentals and if the trails will be groomed for these activities this winter season. If they are, both of these activities are well worth the time and money spent!  

Get Your Stretch On 

You may hear the word yoga and think that sounds wonderful, or maybe you hear it and think, “No way. Not for my family. Do you know how wiggily my kids are?” I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” and the same is true with yoga. There are some great beginners yoga videos on YouTube, like Yoga With Adriene, that run anywhere from 6 minutes to 30 minutes. There is also a YouTube channel called Cosmic Kids that has Frozen Yoga, My Little Pony Yoga, Sonic the Hedgehog Yoga, Minecraft Yoga and more! These videos are especially great for families with younger children who need to get moving.  

Build a Snowman 

Anna from Frozen was onto something. Putting on the snowgear, rolling up giant balls of snow, picking out scarves and hats and carrots and buttons for decor. There is something so fulfilling about building a snowman. And there is something even more fulfilling about building a snowman with your family. Want to bring that up another level? Try building a snowman family!  

Shoot Some Hoops 

Many local gyms have basketball courts where families can shoot hoops, play games like PIG and Around the World, and even have a little scrimmage. Each gym is different. If you aren’t a member at a local gym, be sure to check and see if they have a daily rate, if you need to reserve a time slot, and if balls are provided.  

It may be harder to get the exercise needed during the winter months, but it’s definitely not impossible. These activities will not only get your heart rate up, but will also create memories that will last a lifetime. And it may seem counterintuitive, but there is nothing like a steaming cup of hot cocoa after being outside and burning calories on a cold winter’s day.   

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