Dad’s Advice for Delivery Day

While mom takes center stage in the delivery room, dads also play an important supporting role when it comes to bringing baby into the world.

We asked a few veteran dads to share their advice for fellow dads heading into the delivery room for the first time. Here’s what they said:


“Be careful not to show your disgust at what you see. Everyone knows childbirth ain’t pretty. But your face doesn’t need to show it. And for God’s sake, don’t tell her if she poops.” — Adam Brand

“Bring snacks and comfortable shoes because you spend A LOT of time standing next to the delivery bed.” – Jordan Mohler

  1. Just go with it. I was really hoping for a 1950s delivery, where I stayed in the waiting room passing out cigars … but that ain’t going to happen these days! Just accept the fact that you’ll be there – and you really should be.”
  2. Stay with your wife. Our first child was delivered via last-minute C-section. The doctors and nurses kept asking me if I wanted to come over and see the baby up-close. The baby was in great hands, so there was no reason for me to move. I stayed with my wife, holding her hand. I needed to be there with her at that moment.”
  3. Take it all in. Witnessing a new life starting the moment it enters the world is pretty amazing. You’ll never see anything like it. Hopefully, you’ll see a strength in your wife that you didn’t know she had and have a better appreciation of the amazing job she has been doing for the past nine months. I know I did.” — Roger Sipe

“Forget your birth plan and all the waiting everyone warns you about. We had always heard that our first birth experience would be a long one, but it was quite the opposite for us… our daughter’s birth was just under 5 hours and the last hour was as QUICK as lightning. We were prepared for a lot of waiting around and hours and hours of labor, but not a panicked ride to the hospital, nor a darting wheelchair rush from triage to the delivery room. Just be ready for anything and constantly remind her how fantastic she is!” – Eric Clark

  1. “Don’t talk unless it’s supportive. Dad jokes are off the table this day.”
  2. “Acting squeamish is a no-no. Try and be nothing but positive. Last thing your wife wants to hear out of you are the words ‘gross,’ ‘yuck,’ or ‘eww.'”
  3. “You don’t eat until she does (or at least don’t let her see it). Strong smells like that onion-laced sandwich you just consumed aren’t the best smells your wife wants to inhale when pushing your son or daughter into the world.” – James Hasser

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