There is no place like home. Unless you’ve played as much Paw Patrol as you can take and your lawn can’t handle another sprinkler day without being classified as a protected wetlands. When you’re looking for a little road trip to break up the season, I suggest you head two heel-clicks north to Muncie-kinland.
Or to be more direct but certainly less clever: Minnetrista’s The Wizard of Oz Educational exhibit.
Minnetrista is a museum that quite literally rose from the ashes of the mansion belonging to F.C. Ball when it set fire leaving only the front pillars behind. It was reopened in its current form in 1988.
While Minnetrista focuses on shared Indiana experiences and history it also has a pretty heavy focus on the magic of childhood and the discovery of personal strengths and gifts using: Literacy, arts, science and physical challenges. To that end, Minnetrista has collaborated with The Miami Children’s Museum and SPARKS, in conjunction with Warner Bros. Consumer Products, to bring Oz to us in Indiana.
This exhibit features a rock climbing wall, yellow brick roads, a play farm to maintain and my favorite: A “make yourself into the Wizard” voice modulator and visual effects booth. You’ll love watching what your children feel the Wizard should proclaim in his loud, thunderous and somewhat intimidating voice. My daughter felt that he would scream “hot dog” at passers by. I opted for the classic line delivered by Darth Vader. To each their own.
It might have been more fun for the kids if they had actually seen the movie first, but if your kids are like ours, no worries. There is a light up storyboard to walk them through the story before they begin to play. Since I’m confident you have seen the movie, you’ll have a great time. My wife had to be pulled off the Miss Gultch bicycle by security as the exhibit was closing for the night.
{She demands that I tell you that is a joke and it didn’t really happen.}
From building blocks that form a rainbow {Need two to complete it! Teamwork makes the dream work!} to teaching the color spectrum with the horse of a different color, you’ll find something to entertain your little ones for at least an hour if not two. Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy outside in the gorgeous gardens and make sure to share your photos with us on instagram at @indyschild.
MORE INFO: The Wizard of Oz Educational Exhibit located at 1200 N. Minnetrista Pkwy in Muncie and is open through September 18, 2016. Admission is $5 for adults/children, however member rates apply. Hours are Monday-Saturday, 9am-5:30pm or Sundays from 11am-5:30pm. For more information visit their website or call {765} 282-4848.