Wee Wednesdays is big fun at the Indianapolis Museum of Art

“Wee” love Wee Wednesdays at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. As one of their best-kept-secret programs, Wee Wednesdays is one of those classes you stumble upon by accident, want to tell everyone about, yet secretly hope no one discovers so as to selfishly keep to yourself. But it deserves due recognition: IC Insider Shelly and daughter Soph packed up and hightailed it over to the IMA. Here is their report…


If you’re looking for a way to introduce art into your child’s life, greater Indianapolis has got you covered! My favorite spot to learn about art is the Indianapolis Museum of Art but it’s not easy to be immersed in a painting or sculpture while shushing my two year old as she’s trying to climb the dragon vase. Thankfully the IMA shares my passion for immersing children in the arts and has many options for families to explore the museum and grounds. We’ve been to the museum on Family Day, seen Saturday morning movies in the Cereal Cinema and have now had the opportunity to check out Wee Wednesdays. Their programs range for children of all ages but Wee Wednesdays was perfect for my almost 3 year old.

Wee Wednesdays Indianapolis Museum of Art _ Indy's ChildWee Wednesdays is geared toward children ages 2-5 but don’t let that stop you from bringing your younger kiddos. This is not a drop-and-go program. Parents and grandparents are encouraged and welcomed! There were several families with babies in a carrier or stroller during our visit while their toddler participated in the activities.

Attendees were greeted by smiling IMA employee Ashli in the lobby – she gave kids an art smock and name tag. {Side note: If your child is like mine and new to the program, they will refuse the smock and put their name tag on YOU.} Then we headed upstairs to the Star Studio Classroom where the guide explained to children what they were looking for in the gallery by way of song. Our song was telling us we’d be looking for pets throughout the art work.

RELATED: Must do: Family Day at the Indianapolis Museum of Art

Off we went to the galleries with a photo in hand – the guide would have kids look at a photo and find that art piece within the gallery. Once everyone discovered the piece, the guide would give a background on the piece in a relevant, interesting and age-appropriate way. The children loved circling up for story time right in the middle of the gallery to listen to a story called This Moose Belongs to Me. One piece of pottery we were looking for had a painting depicting a goat standing under an arch to symbolize its home. This piece of art lead us right back to the Star Studio where we made habitats for the finger puppet pets we were given. We all talked about habitats and what that animal might need to survive in their home.


As a parent, I was very pleased with the integration of art education and nature at a level the toddlers could understand. It’s no surprise this event sells out within hours of its announcement.

Wee Wednesdays Indianapolis Museum of Art _ Indy's Child Wee Wednesdays Indianapolis Museum of Art _ Indy's Child Wee Wednesdays Indianapolis Museum of Art _ Indy's Child Wee Wednesdays Indianapolis Museum of Art _ Indy's Child

After the program, it was coming close to nap time but we couldn’t leave without a short round of mini golf on the IMA’s course {free with admission}. Although she was no Tiger Woods, Sophie giggled with excitement at each new hole we came upon. You can find a snack bar outside at the mini golf area but we opted to have lunch at the IMA Cafe. The food at the IMA Cafe is delicious however next time I’d like to pack a picnic to enjoy at one of the gardens or 100 Acres.

Wee Wednesdays Indianapolis Museum of Art _ Indy's Child Wee Wednesdays Indianapolis Museum of Art _ Indy's Child

MORE INFO: Wee Wednesdays runs every Wednesday from 11am-12pm at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The Museum is located at 4000 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, IN 46208. Attendees meet in the lobby of the IMA and are escorted to the Star Studio. Costs: $8 Members | $12 non-members | Free for grown-ups and children under 2 {ticket required}. Registration for this event is required. This programs is sold out through December 2016 but a waitlist spot is available by emailing [email protected]. For more details, visit the IMA website or call {317} 923-1331.


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