The Story Behind “”

For the past week, I’ve been keeping up with a story that I just can’t seem to get out of my mind. It intrigues me on so many levels, I wanted to share with all of you just in case you have not heard about it.

First, some background on the story.

Brian Holloway is a former professional football player for the New England Patriots. He owns a home in upstate New York that sits on 200 acres of property. This past Labor Day weekend, while Holloway was at his primary residence in Florida, 300 teenagers broke into his New York home, threw a huge party, and vandalized his house, causing between $20,000- $40,000 worth of damage.

Here’s where the story takes a 21st century turn…The teens also posted pictures of the party and the vandalism on Facebook and Twitter.

How did Holloway react?

He created a website titled, On his website Holloway posted many of the pictures and tweets the teens at the party were posting that night. He used this information to help identify people that were in attendance at the party. The unbelievable part of this story is his main purpose for creating Help Me Save 300 was not to shame these kids, but to help them. Yes, to help them. Holloway mentions he knew too many people that had their lives wrecked or died due to drugs and alcohol and he wants to prevent it from happening to these kids. He wants Help Me Save 300 to eventually become a nationwide movement to help teens.

Holloway also invited the 300 teens to his house to help him clean up the mess they made and be accountable for their owns actions.

Four kids showed up, Four.

And one parent.

Which brings me to, by far the strangest part of this story, the parents of these 300 kids.

Holloway said he was contacted by parents, angry with him, for posting pictures of their kids online. Parents were complaining that he wrecked their kids chance at college. Some parents even threatened to sue Mr. Holloway for the pictures he posted online.

So there you have it. What a crazy story. But part of me feels like this may just be the beginning.


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