The MOST Important Question to ask when your child is invited to a birthday party.

The MOST Important Question to ask when your child is invited to a birthday party.

For every children’s birthday party my kids are invited to, there’s only one question that I care about the answer. I don’t care where the party is located, I’m not particularly interested in what the activities or theme will be, heck sometimes, I don’t even care who the party is for. The question I want answered is… “Is this a drop-off birthday party or one where the parent stays?”

Birthday parties where the parent of an invited kid has to stay are the worst.

These parties amount to a parent watching his child at a location besides his own house. It’s usually two hours with other parents, sitting in some uncomfortably small chair at a bounce house, or other “kid centered” facility. What’s worse is watching the host parent load your child up with soda and cake, then sending them back home with you! And to think…you bought a gift for someone to put you through this.

Although, I guess it won’t be long and my kids won’t even want me to know about what they are doing with their friends, let alone want me to be there with them during parties.

I suppose there could be worse ways to spend your weekend besides attending a birthday party with your child. Sure the chairs are tiny and the conversations are awkward, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing to meet some of the parents of the friends your kid hangs out with. And who doesn’t love to watch their children play and have fun with a group of friends, even if they are scarfing cake and chugging soda while they do it.

Maybe the “parent stays” parties aren’t so bad after all.

What is your kid birthday party preference? Stay and hang out or get out of Dodge?

Brian "Pete"
Brian "Pete"
Indianapolis Stay-at-Home Dad to three kids, ages nine, six and four. Blogger and monthly print columnist for Indy’s Child, Cincinnati Parent and Dayton Parent magazines. Fifth grade class spelling bee runner-up. Gold Award Winner at the Parenting Media Association Editorial and Design Awards for Best Blog/Blogger.

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