Tweens & Teens

Starting the Conversation

Discussions on racial inequities can be difficult. Many people struggle with these conversations, often having no idea where to start or what to say....

Coronavirus and College

Starting college is hard. And because we’re living during a pandemic, incoming college freshmen will enter college at a time of uncertainty. Although many...

Adulting 101: Teaching Your Teen to be Independent

Indianapolis mom Jessica Sandvold believes in teaching independence. She requires her 16-year-old daughter to make her own appointments for sports physicals. She taught her how to set up and...

Talking to Your Teen About Climate Change

When Indianapolis resident Marta Heimlich Carter’s daughter watched the documentary “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” in her environmental sciences class, she was so outraged that she became...

Only the Lonely: Addressing Teen Loneliness

Having a baby in the NICU is one of the scariest things a parent can face. Here are some tips for coping with that reality.

Rock the Vote

Tim Kalgreen became interesting in voting by going to the election polls with his parents. “They were open and honest about the issues, giving...

Prepare Your Child for the Real World

Prepare your child for the real world. When kids work during their Second Decade—the critical, formative years between the ages of ten and twenty—they...

Connecting with your tween

“I’m having a difficult time connecting with my tween age daughter. The world she is growing up in seems so different from my own...

Ask the Teacher

My daughter has several friends whose parents have hired tutors. Some concepts seem tough for my child at school, but I have never thought...

Making the Call

“Can I have a cell phone?”   It’s a question today’s parents expect to be asked at some point during their child rearing years, but one...

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