Teens & Tweens

Teens and Tweens: Life Skills to Teach Your Teen Before They Leave Home

A few years ago, the title of this article would have caused many sleepless nights while I pondered all I needed to teach my...

Understanding Eating Disorders in Teens

When you think of eating disorders, you’re likely to imagine a young woman in her 20s, but this social stigma may mean we’re missing...

Teens & Tweens: Establish Good Study Habits

As your child grows closer to adulthood, so does their workload. With work, sports, extracurriculars, family obligations, a social life and studies to stay...

Feeding Hungry Teens on a Budget

We have four children in our home ranging in age from 12 to 18. Four hungry children with hungry friends who wander into our...

Combating Online Bullying

With tablets, smartphones, apps, streaming services, gaming devices and social media at their fingertips, teens and tweens have the potential to be overwhelmed with...

Stress Management for Teens and Tweens

It is no secret that adolescents have a lot on their plates. They are dealing with things that previous generations have not, like navigating...

Talking to Kids About Vaping

When our kids are young, it’s hard to imagine them beyond the years of naptime, snacks and playdates with friends. The thought of talking...

Teens & Tweens: Your Child’s First Job

If the words, “Can I have some money for…” have started to wear on you (and your bank account), then it might be time...

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