Special Needs

Special Needs: Children’s Books that Celebrate Disabilities

It’s important for all of us, at any age, to understand that we all are created differently - and that those differences are to...

Jameson Camp

Since 1928, Jameson Camp has been impacting the lives of young people through our award-winning camp experience designed to provide a nurturing environment where...


As parents, we may find ourselves jumping mental hurdles as we navigate the “what-if” situations our children could run up against. This can especially...

Special Needs: Prepping for Back to School

Back-to-school time can be an anxious time for some kids and caregivers alike — and possibly even more so if your child has special...

Fun Summer Activities For Kids With Special Needs

Summer is a great time to relax, have fun, and try to make as many memories as possible during these short months. For parents...

Profile On: Buttermilk Mountain

As a parent of a child with disabilities, thinking about your child’s future after you are gone might seem overwhelming — and even a...

After the Autism Diagnosis: Helping Your Child Thrive

Receiving an autism diagnosis for your child can be a real whirlwind of emotions. It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed, uncertain, maybe even a...

Stuttering and Speech Therapy Services

Communication is a vital part of our day-to-day lives. It is how we connect with others, express our thoughts and feelings, and learn more...

Physical Activity and Kids with Special Needs

Run. Jump. Swim. Climb. Hop. Skip. Pedal. Physical activities such as this have tremendous value for both young and old alike. Exercise gets our...

Special Needs: Prevent Parenting Burnout

You want to do all that you can for your family, but being a “superparent” to a child with special needs can come with...

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