Middle Man

Childhood…What’s changed? Everything and Nothing. SPONSORED

Growing up, at 8:30am on a Saturday morning, you could find me sitting cross legged on the floor, wearing my favorite baseball pajamas, staring...

Things I learned on my Kindergartener’s Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Drive your own car. There's not a worse way to start a field trip, than sitting on a school bus with two dozen five...

Laundry Day

Doing my kids' laundry is like a trip inside their psyche. I was doing four days worth of laundry for each of them. After the...

Spring? Yes. Break? Not Exactly.

Spring Break. All three kids off of school... all week. Was it Spring? Yes. Was I getting a Break? Not exactly. This year my wife was...

Two miles to go, and then it happened…

We were 446 miles into our trip. At the time we didn't realize we only had two miles to go before we reached our...

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