Girl Scouts of Central Indiana hosting 140 free summer parties

This summer, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana will host 140 free kite-building parties across their 45 counties. It’s all to help girls discover and try the Girl Scout experience in a fun and safe environment.

At each “Soar into Girl Scouts” outdoor event, girls and their families will be invited to build kites and explore the science behind them, while also learning about everything that comes with being a Girl Scout in 2020.

At each event, families will be entered to win a year’s supply of Girl Scout Cookies. Girls who bring a friend will receive two entries.

All events will follow proper safety protocols and activities will adhere to appropriate social-distancing guidelines. For families who want to join in on the fun but would rather not stay due to safety concerns, kits will be available for them to take home the fun.

To find a Soar into Girl Scouts event near you, visit


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