Circus – Starring YOU! at The Children’s Museum

You may feel like you are in the middle of a three-ring circus at home as you juggle housework, meals and taking care of the kids. Now you have a chance to let the kids have a starring role under the big top somewhere else as Circus – Starring YOU! opens at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.

Parents get to play ringmaster as little ones learn how to juggle without bopping each other on the head and clown around with digital makeup activities – eliminating the mess. Speaking of dress up, there will be plenty of Instagram and Facebook photo opportunities with dress up activities that don’t involve expensive items from your closet. Museum magic will allow families to look like they’re being shot out of a cannon, flex their muscles by lifting foam barbells and sit atop a unicycle without falling off.


What parent hasn’t had a heart-stopping moment when they catch little Johnny or Susie climbing or walking atop something that is higher than they should? At this new exhibit, daredevils will be able to attempt feats of highly-skilled acrobats and athletes on interactives that are secure and low to the ground such as a virtual reality tight rope or test their balance on a rolla bolla. For a little extra excitement, families will be able to try out hoola hoop-looking lyra rings that are stationary.

Those who want to keep their feet firmly planted on the ground will learn about the rich diversity of people, jobs and performances that make up the circus from the past to the present and check out circus artifacts from days gone by.

Families can also get in on the act with this at-home circus activity:

The Duct Tape Tightrope

What you’ll need: 

  • Carpeted area
  • Colored duct tape
  • Large plastic bowl
  • Two hardcover books
  • Blindfold


  • In a carpeted area, place one strip of lengthy duct tape (10 feet or so) in a straight line on the floor. Gather the entire family for a test of balance!
  • Encourage your beginner to practice walking forward and backward on the line. To increase difficulty, test how fast each of your family members can make it to the end of the “tightrope.”
  • Make it a double balancing act for those who are more advanced. Just add items like a book and a bowl on top of the player’s head and see how far they can make it without dropping an item or stepping off the walk!
  • Challenge the most confident member of your family to the blindfold test. If they can stay on the line without dropping anything, they’re on their way to be a tightrope-walking professional!

Take your family balancing act to The Children’s Museum, and find out what makes the circus so spectacular. Circus – Starring YOU! at The Children’s Museum will be open Feb. 18 through March 25, 2018.

Indy's Child
Indy's Child
For 40 years, Indy's Child has been the trusted source for Indianapolis families seeking fun, educational, and enriching experiences. Our award-winning magazine and website are dedicated to providing expert advice, insider tips, and up-to-date information on everything from the best local attractions and events to parenting resources and support. As local experts deeply rooted in the central Indiana community, our passionate team at Indy's Child is dedicated to uncovering the best family-friendly experiences and resources our city has to offer. Whether you're new to parenting or looking for new ideas, Indy's Child is here to help you enjoy the adventure of raising a family in central Indiana.

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