DIY Fun: Make Your Own Valentine’s Day Cards

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and soon, we’ll be thinking about classroom party snacks and fun ways to celebrate. 

Of course, buying the Valentine’s Day cards is always a big to-do in my house. We need cards that reflect ourselves, yet ones that our friends will like, as well. Nothing to “mushy” if you have an older child, and our favorite cartoon characters or animals to choose from is a plus. 

Making a card is not difficult and could allow children to give the perfect card to the perfect person. Plus, it’s a ton of fun while you’re working on it. Here are some ideas for making your own Valentine’s Day cards.

Lollipop Butterfly Card

Skip to My Lou

You’ll Need: Card Stock, Lollipops, Googly Eyes, Embellishments (glitter, jewels, stickers etc.) 

Cut out a butterfly shape out of card stock and fold in half. While folded, cut two slits in the center to hold your lollipop. Slide the lollipop in through the slits, glue two eyes to the pop and then decorate till your heart’s content! 

Newspaper Valentine Card


Art Bar Blog

You’ll Need: Newspaper, Watercolor Paint, Card Stock, Scissors, Glue

Decorate each sheet of newspaper with the watercolor paint anyway you’d like. Once dry, it gives a cool, marbled look to the paper. Cut the newspaper out in heart shapes. Cut card stock into card size, slightly larger than your newspaper hearts. Glue the hearts onto the card stock and then decorate the border with sweet words, paint and stickers, if you wish. 

String Heart Card 

Childhood 101

You’ll Need: Colorful Yarn, Thick Card Stock, Large Threading Needle, Pencil, Eraser, Heart Template (a cookie cutter works great) 

Trace your heart template onto a square piece of card stock. Poke holes along the traced heart with your needle, then erase the pencil markings. Thread the yarn through the holes in various directions, cut off the yarn on the backside and tie up. Add kind words, stickers or embellishments. 

Friendship Bracelet Card

The House That Lars Built

You’ll Need: A selection of different color friendship bracelets, Card Stock, Hole Punch

For those of us with young girls, chances are, you already have a nice selection of friendship bracelets on hand. If not, half the fun is in making them. Print on the card stock a cute phrase, such as, “Our class would knot be the same without you!” Punch two holes on either side of the card stock and string through the bracelet. A gift and a valentine all in one! 

Break Out the Doilies

Sweet Party Place

You’ll Need: Heart-shaped doilies (preferably pink or red), Red or Pink Card Stock, Googly Eyes

Doilies will elevate a simple card into something more fancy! Have fun experimenting with different styles. You can also create cute critters by adding some gooly eyes:

  • Turn the heart on its side, add a small red heart to the back for ‘fins’ and a small red heart to the front for a ‘kiss’ and glue the eye on for a fish Valentine. 
  • Turn the doily upside down, add two small pink hearts on either side for “ears” and an upside-down pink heart for a nose. Glue two googly eyes on for a pig Valentine. 
  • Turn the pink doily right-side up and add two small pink hearts at the top. Glue googly eyes on top of the hearts for wide-looking eyes and an upside-down triangle for an owl Valentine. 

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