Highlands Latin School

Highlands Latin School is a private Latin-centered classical Christian school centered on developing the academic potential and character of each student. HLS was founded in the Indianapolis area in 2011 and is part of the Highlands Latin School network of schools accredited through the Classical Latin School Association. HLS employs a unique three day program for K through 4th grade, and a 4 day class schedule for 5th through 12th grade. The HLS curriculum is carefully planned from Jr Kindergarten through 12th grade equipping our students with the foundational skills for higher learning. The school is currently located in Carmel, Indiana and is working towards building a permanent campus on their new property in Westfield, Indiana.

General Info:

Address: 1010 East 126th St, Carmel, and 1402 West Main St, Carmel
Phone: 317-519-5501
Website: indylatinschool.org
Academic Profile: Click Here
Open House Dates: January 26th at 6:30 p.m. or January 29th at 1:00 p.m.
Individual Tours are available on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and are one of the best ways to see the school in action and determine if it is a fit for your family.

What makes Highlands Latin School unique?

A classical education aspires to give students the kind of wisdom that would require a lifetime of experience to gain on their own.

The HLS curriculum is a coherent whole in which each year of study builds upon the skills and knowledge of the previous year. HLS Indianapolis is specifically designed to allow new students of any age to begin Latin study and prepare them with the necessary foundation for an in-depth reading of great classic literature and history.

HLS is the only Latin-centered K-12 program in the Indianapolis area. Latin is taught as a core organizing subject beginning in 2nd grade and continuing through 12th. This long and deep exposure teaches students how to hold and retain information, trains academic and organizational skills and develops mastery of the English language.

Students who learn how to learn and master a subject are able to transfer those skills and abilities to other areas making them exceptionally well-trained students and young adults. HLS replicates the historical methodology and pedagogy of the Latin grammar school and its centuries long record of success.

Kindergarten2022 -1st day

What is Highlands Latin School’s age/grade range?

HLS serves students in Jr. Kindergarten – 12th grades.

What is your enrollment policy? Are there any key dates parents should be aware of?

Highlands accepts applications until February 3rd for the first round of admission. After February 3rd, rolling admission is implemented for the remaining available spots in classes.

February 3, 2023 – Applications due for 1st round of admission

More information can be found at www.indylatinschool.org/how-to-apply.

Highlands Latin School
Highlands Latin School

What are the standard school day hours?

Highlands Latin has a unique class schedule that requires involved parents and supports family time. It also provides an opportunity for students to schedule activities such as doctor and dentist visits without missing important classroom time. Because of our schedule, we do not show movies or plan field trips during the school day. Every available minute is dedicated to accomplishing our academic goals.


Whole-day program | Wednesday, Thursday
Hours: 8 a.m.- 3:15 p.m.


Three-day program | Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 8:00 a.m.-3:15 p.m.


Three-day program | Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 8:00 a.m.-3:15 p.m.


Four-day program | Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Hours: 7:50 a.m.-3 p.m.

Highlands Latin School
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Is there a uniform or dress code?

HLS students adhere to a dress code that requires uniforms.

Highlands Latin School Dress Code

How many children attend the school? How many students are in the average classroom?

HLS average class sizes are 12-16 students. Approximately 180 students are enrolled at HLS.

Does Highlands Latin School have a homework policy?

Homework at HLS is assigned for a specific purpose, either to practice concepts that have already been introduced and practiced in class or to prepare for an upcoming class. Homework is not busy work and is assigned to help students practice and master skills.

Highlands Latin School
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What specialty classes / extracurricular activities does Highlands Latin School offer (gym, art, language, sports etc.)?

All students in Kindergarten through 6th grades have Art, Choir/Music, and Physical Education every week. In the Upper School (grades 7-12), students participate in Choir, have the option of Art as an elective, and earn their PE credit through our House Program by participating in Club Sports.

All students at HLS study Latin beginning in 2nd grade and have the option of studying Greek in grades 7-12.

HLS offers various sports and clubs. Find more information at our website at indylatinschool.org/clubs-sports.

Highlands Latin School
Highlands Latin School

What are Highlands Latin School’s safety policies?

All doors to HLS Lower and Upper School buildings are locked during the school day.

HLS is equipped with a security plan that is available to review through our office. Faculty and students are informed of emergency procedures and participate in scheduled drills throughout the year.

In addition, we have policies and training in place to help prevent bullying, harassment, and address other safety concerns.

Highlands Latin School

What extra safety measures is Highlands Latin School taking during the COVID-19 pandemic?

HLS is committed to providing in person instruction. In addition, we strive for a school culture that promotes kindness, consideration and respect for the various health and wellness needs of others. To that end, we employ various measures to mitigate the risk of Covid-19 spreading at school. Our full policy can be requested through the school office.

Highlands Latin School

Who should parents contact for more information about Highlands Latin School?

Families interested in exploring how HLS may be a fit for their students are encouraged to contact our Director of Admissions, Jennifer Wiley, at [email protected].