Free Flu Shots During $5 First Thursday Night at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

COVID-19 is still raging. Health professionals are imploring families to get vaccinated against influenza this season not only to protect them from the possibility of contracting the flu, but also to help hospitals and healthcare facilities avoid being overcrowded. That is why The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is partnering with Riley Children’s at Indiana University Health to give parents and guardians an opportunity to get their entire families vaccinated for free against influenza while also enjoying family time at the museum.

On Thursday, October 1, 2020 between 4 -8 p.m., vaccines will be administered for free to the first 500 people who pay to visit the museum. Admission is just $5 on First Thursday Night to visit the museum, $5 to visit the Riley Children’s Health Sports Legends Experience®, or $7 to visit both. Children under two are free. It is important to note that due to COVID-19 building capacity requirements, visitors MUST purchase tickets in advance at or by calling the box office at 317-334-4000.

Riley Children’s Health medical professionals will be on hand to administer vaccinations to healthy children and adults who confirm they do not have any signs of illness or other medical conditions. Adults will be required to sign vaccine consent forms for anyone under 18 years of age. Everyone is encouraged to consult with their personal physician before receiving vaccinations.

Visitors should wear loose fitting clothing around their arms to receive the shot. Museum staff will monitor the line of people waiting for vaccinations to ensure proper social distancing. The museum requires all visitors two and older to wear masks unless they have a medical exemption.

“As Indiana’s leader in protecting the health of children, Riley Children’s Health wants to do its part to keep families healthy this viral season,” said John Christenson, medical director of infectious disease for Riley Children’s Health. “Influenza is still an ominous germ that can cause severe illness and death, even for previously healthy children and adults. Everyone older than 6 months of age can be protected from the devastating effects of the flu. Protect your health, your family and your community by getting your flu shot.” Dr. Christenson continues by reminding everyone that mask use and social distancing are also important infection prevention tools.

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is proud to partner with Riley Children’s at Indiana University Health, Old National Bank and Ice Miller LLP.

About The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is a nonprofit institution committed to creating extraordinary learning experiences across the arts, sciences, and humanities that have the power to transform the lives of children and families. For more information about The Children’s Museum, visit, follow us on Twitter @TCMIndy, Instagram @childrensmuseum,, and Facebook.

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