Free Admission for Leap Year Birthdays at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Imagine not being able to celebrate your birthday on your birthday. That is what happens to leap-year babies –- except for every four years. To make up for the slight, The Children’s Museum wants to give those leap year children and adults a little extra love this leap year.

Those born on February 29th are gifted a free ticket to visit the world’s largest children’s museum on either Feb. 29, March 1, March 2, or March 3, 2024, with proof of birthdate.

Free Admission for Leap Day Birthdays

Who: Leap Year Birthdays

What: Free admission to The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

When: Feb. 29, March 1, March 2 or March 3

Where: The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Why: To celebrate leap year children and adults whose birthday of Feb. 29 only comes around once every four years

How: Provide a state ID, driver’s license, passport, or birth certificate (they must be hard copies / not digital copies on the phone)

About The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

For more information about The Children’s Museum, visit and follow them on Twitter @TCMIndy, Instagram@childrensmuseum, and Facebook.

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For over 40 years, Indy's Child has been the go-to resource for Indianapolis families seeking fun, educational, and enriching experiences. Our award-winning magazine and website are devoted to offering expert advice, insider tips, and the latest information on everything from the top local attractions and events to invaluable parenting resources and support. As deeply rooted members of the central Indiana community, our passionate team at Indy's Child is committed to uncovering the best family-friendly experiences and resources that our city has to offer. Whether you're a new parent or a seasoned pro looking for fresh ideas, Indy's Child is here to guide you in the adventure of raising a family in central Indiana.

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