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Freedom Trail Park

Every child deserves a fun place to play, and Freedom Trail Park in Westfield delivers just that.

The 29-acre park includes an all-inclusive playground and sensory garden that is designed for children of all ages and abilities. This is a great playground to meet up for play dates with friends, because it’s truly a place where everyone can learn and play together.

When designing Freedom Trail Park, the city of Westfield worked with the Hamilton County Autism Support Group to ensure that the park would include features that children with autism would enjoy, such as playground equipment that spins and twirls.

The playground is also very wheelchair-friendly, with ramps on the equipment that are wide enough for people who use wheelchairs to go up and down with their friends.

Instead of platform swings, Freedom Trail Park offers handicap-accessible swings with harnesses. The ground near the swing set, and the ground in the playground area, is made of soft, rubberized wood pulp, which ensures a soft landing in case someone falls.

For kids who love to climb, there is a tall rock that they can scale, as well as monkey bars, slides and firemen poles on the playground equipment.

One of the crown jewels of the park is the sensory garden. This is a beautiful, safe space to let kids run around and explore nature, especially during the spring and summer when the garden is in full bloom. Kids can run through the tall prairie grasses, play house in the vine-covered teepee, experiment with sound by playing with giant metal wind chimes, smell and touch the dozens of Indiana native flowers and plants that are growing all around, and build sandcastles in the sand table, which sits adjacent to the sensory garden and is elevated off the ground to invite friends with wheelchairs.

The sensory garden is the first of its kind in the state of Indiana.

As of right now, Freedom Trail Park uses portable restrooms, so keep that in mind when visiting! However, there are plans in the near future to build a permanent restroom facility.

Freedom Trail Park’s all-inclusive playground and the sensory garden is the first of its kind in the state of Indiana. If you’re looking for a unique place to play that everyone will enjoy, check this one out!

More Info:

Freedom Trail Park is located at 500 Deer Walk Trace in Westfield. It’s open all year round from dawn to dusk.

Nicole Sipe is a freelance writer and editor in Indianapolis. A Southern California native, she enjoys exploring Indy with her husband and two sons.

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