10 ways to entertain toddlers in Indianapolis

Oh baby, here at Indy’s Child we are still feeling all giddy about our newest sibling, OhBaby! Indy magazine which debuted this spring. Designed just for the new and expectant parent in the Indy area, it’s packed with tips and guidance for entering this new phase in life: parenthood!

Straight from the issue of OhBaby! magazine, here are the top 10 ways to entertain toddlers in Indianapolis.


It starts innocently enough with a few awkward steps – and before you know it, your bundle of joy is walking, running and climbing on everything in sight. If you are looking for budget-friendly ways to tame all of that excess toddler energy, here are 10 outings in the greater Indianapolis area that won’t break the bank.

  1. Experience 5 levels of non-stop fun at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis during Target Free Family Night, held the first Thursday of the month from 4-8pm.
  2. Enjoy wide-open spaces at The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park: 100 Acres on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Daily, dawn to dusk.
  3. Let your little ones jump, slide and climb to their hearts’ content in the Brookville Road Community Church Indoor Playground on the city’s east side. Mon, Wed, Thurs, 9am-5pm; Tues 1-5pm; Fri 9am-noon.
  4. Explore the sprawling nature center at Holliday Park. Mon-Sat 9am-5pm; Sun 1-5pm.
  5. Take the self-guided Farm Walk at Traders Point Creamery in Zionsville, daily 10am-4pm, $2 per person {kids 4 and under, free}.
  6. Indulge your child’s love of fire trucks at The Carmel Fire Buffs and Fire Department Museum. Call (317) 370-6437 for hours. Donations appreciated.
  7. Head to Lawrence Branch Library on Thursdays at 10:30am for a morning of toddler-friendly stories, songs, rhymes and playtime.
  8. Take a hike on the toddler-friendly nature trails at Cool Creek Park in Carmel. Go creek stomping, tour the nature center and round out your visit on the playground. Daily, 5am-dusk.
  9. Get in on some unstructured play during Fishers Parks and Recreation’s monthly PlayFULL Hours for ages 1-5. $2 residents, $3 non-residents. Visit their website for dates and locations. Pre-registration encouraged.
  10. Spend the summer months making the rounds to the numerous splash pads and spray parks located throughout the city, because toddler + water = hours of entertainment. Discover the complete list.

Looking for more ideas like these? Head to the IndysChild.com Calendar to search hundreds of family-friendly events happening throughout the year.


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