8 Ways to prepare kids for 4th of July fun


It’s finally here.

My kids and I have been super busy lately spending our days at the YMCA pool but it’s time to get serious. The 4th of July is just around the corner and we need to start prepping ourselves for all of the fun activities heading our way. There are so many things happening in the Indianapolis area these next few weeks that I need to get the kids geared up and ready to go.

HAVE YOU READ OUR GUIDE TO ALL THINGS 4TH OF JULY? Where to find 4th of July Fireworks in Indianapolis.

If this is your first time heading out into the 4th of July fireworks and festivities don’t worry, a few of my friends from theCityMoms shared their tips to making this holiday a little more comfortable for you and your little ones {including a few 4th of July safety tips too!}:

1. “We have a pair of noise canceling over the head headphones for each of the kids and of course we bring their favorite lovie(s), glow in the dark necklaces and toys, their own flashlight.” – Angela H.

2. “I always have snacks/water, seating, (jammies depending on where we’re watching fireworks), bug repellent, sunscreen. Glow in the dark items were a hit last year. Something to keep them busy while in their seats waiting for fireworks. Bring any item comforting item if kiddo is scared.” – Kristy H.

3. “We always try to pick a quieter spot for our family to watch them. Not in the middle of a big crowd to avoid any overstimulation and preferably with plenty of space to stretch out.” – Momma E.

4. “When we go to festivals we try to dress the kids in similar, bright colors so we can spot them in case we are separated.” – Megan

5. “In terms of prep in general, we often show a video of something new (just something easy to fine from YouTube). It works really well with my daughter, who gets overwhelmed when she doesn’t know what to anticipate.” – Katie W.

6. “Sleep. I make sure the kids have had lottttts of sleep the night before because there’s nothing worse than a cranky kiddo and loud noises to cut the 4th of July fun short.” – Jeanine B.

7. “Maybe I’m being overbearing but I don’t let our kids play with any type of sparkler without supervision. They might be cute and fun and picture-worthy from afar but the last thing I want is someone’s hair to go up in flames or any kind of burns!” – Alicia H. <– we agree with you Alicia! According to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, children under 15 accounted for 35% of the estimated 2014 firework injuries.

8. “Put a safety feature in check for sparklers – I saw a post using a solo type cup over the hand to protect little ones which might be a good idea.”  – Kristy H.

Do you have something to add to the quick list? We’d love to hear from you! And of course, we wish you all a very safe and Happy 4th of July!


Megan Leahy - Indy's Child Digital WriterA 30-something stay-at-home-mom of two, Megan Leahy is an Indy transplant who doesn’t like to stay at home. Originally from central Illinois, you can find her anywhere from the public library returning an overdue book or Target buying more than she went in for to taking her husband & kiddos out on the town or spending time with her friends at a local hot spot.

Megan is an avid volunteer who loves working with children and helping those in need. In 2015 she founded Pals on Patrol, a non-profit that collects new/very gently used stuffed animals that police, fire/rescue, and DCS staff can give to children in time of crisis. Follow her on Twitter or check out palsonpatrol.com.


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