Turn a Good Night of Sleep into a Great Night of Sleep


Simply saying the word makes me smile. A good night of sleep helps me become a better person in just about every way possible.

#ISleepTo be a good dad. When I’m rested, I make my kids a healthy breakfast before they get on the bus. I’m also better able to help them with their homework every afternoon when they get off the bus.

#ISleepTo be a better husband. A good night of sleep gives me the focus and ability to plan, shop and cook decent meals for our family. I’m also able to take care of errands and house jobs during the day, so when my wife gets home from work, we can enjoy spending time together, not doing chores.

#ISleepTo help others. I need all the energy I can get on the days when I venture to the local elementary school and volunteer my time teaching kids how to read.

Finally, #ISleepTo be the best possible version of myself. Good sleep leads to eating better, having the energy to exercise, and taking better care of myself in general.

Sleep. I’m always looking for ways to improve it.

I’ve tried the wearable tech sleep monitors in the past, but made it less than a week using those. On nights when I did remember to charge them, I was still restless due to the discomfort of having a piece of plastic strapped to my wrist. Currently, I’m using the Beautyrest Sleeptracker monitor. This device goes under your mattress, with nothing attached to you while you sleep. It is simple to install, and runs off of an app you download to your smartphone. Unlike wearables, this product plugs directly into a wall outlet, so you don’t even have to worry about charging it.

The Beautyrest Sleeptracker monitor is fascinating. Each morning I wake up with useful data about my night of sleep. I know how long it took me to fall asleep, how long I was in a deep sleep, how many times I woke up during the night, and much more.

Most importantly, other than simply giving you info, this product tells you how to improve your sleep as well. It gives suggestions on how to get to sleep quicker, how to improve your time spent in a deep sleep, and even tracks trends in your sleep patterns.

Find more information about the Beautyrest Sleeptracker monitor here, and everything Beautyrest has to offer by clicking here.

Get updates on new products by following along on their social media pages as well…

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beautyrestbeds/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Beautyrest/

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/beautyrest/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/BeautyrestBeds/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BeautyrestRecharge

Every morning when I get out of bed, this product helps me get one step closer to achieving my goals of becoming the best dad, husband, volunteer and version of myself I can possibly be.

I have partnered with Life of Dad and Beautyrest for this campaign, but my opinions and my quality nights of sleep are my own.

Brian "Pete"
Brian "Pete"
Indianapolis Stay-at-Home Dad to three kids, ages nine, six and four. Blogger and monthly print columnist for Indy’s Child, Cincinnati Parent and Dayton Parent magazines. Fifth grade class spelling bee runner-up. Gold Award Winner at the Parenting Media Association Editorial and Design Awards for Best Blog/Blogger.

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