15 Spring and Easter Crafts

My only real memory of doing Easter crafts growing up is the pungent smell of vinegar.

I’m sure I enjoyed the actual egg dyeing, but I only remember the vinegar, which was and is still my least favorite smell.

So, to help give future generations better Easter craft memories than my own, I scoured the Internet to find fun spring and Easter craft ideas that involve zero vinegar. For those who celebrate the holiday, due to the stay-at-home order, it’s going to look much different this year than it has before! But I hope that by doing a fun craft or two with supplies you might already have sitting around the house, you’re still able to create fun memories.

Even if you don’t celebrate Easter, many of these can be modified or are general springtime crafts that you and your littles can still enjoy making together! You might even consider tucking some of these ideas away for Mother’s Day gifts.

Spring and Easter Crafts

No-Sew Sock Bunny

You’ll need: Sock(s); scissors sharp enough to cut sock; rice for stuffing; twine or string; ribbon(s); a marker; tape (optional)

Fingerprint Snapdragons

You’ll need: White paper; green marker; ruler; washable paint; paper plate

Fingerprint Snapdragons from www.busymommymedia.com
Paint Splat Snails

You’ll need: White paper plates; color cardstock or construction paper; scissors; craft paint; googly eyes; markers; stapler; optional glitter, sequins, or other decorative things

Cup Bunny

You’ll need: Styrofoam or paper cup(s); googly eyes (or marker to draw them on); white and pink craft foam or construction paper; black pen; pink marker; scissors

Egg Carton Flowers

You’ll need: Acrylic paint; egg carton (not foam); paper straw; pom poms; scissors; glue; paint brush

Egg carton flowers from www.iheartartsncrafts.com
Chick Fork Painting

You’ll need: Plastic fork; googly eyes; yellow paint; small piece of orange felt or paper; scissors; glue; black pen

Toilet Paper Roll Bunny

You’ll need: Toilet paper roll(s); white paint; google eyes (or marker to draw them on); pipe cleaners; small pom poms; construction or cardstock paper; strong glue; scissors; black sharpie

Raindrop Suncatchers

You’ll need: Blue crayons; waxed paper; pencil or crayon sharpener; scissors; iron (for adult use only)

Raindrop Suncatchers from www.pre-kpages.com
Peeps Houses

You’ll need: Graham crackers; Peeps; frosting/icing; newspaper or parchment paper; Easter decor of your choice

Easter Chick Yarn Art

You’ll need: Yarn; cardboard; orange paper; googly eyes; yellow feathers (or construction paper as substitute); glue stick; scissors

Marbled Paper Easter Eggs

You’ll need: Shaving cream; card stock to cut into egg shapes; acrylic pain; tray or box lid; paintbrush, toothpick or fork; newspapers and paper towels; scraper tool

Marbled Easter Eggs from typicallysimple.com
Easter Egg Suncatchers

You’ll need: White fabric; liquid watercolors; paintbrush; cardstock or construction paper; scissors; pencil; glue

Paper Umbrellas

You’ll need: Paper of all colors, but definitely need blue for rain drops; scissors; glue; yarn; pipe cleaners; toothpick (for applying glue)

Toilet Roll Stamp Flowers

You’ll need: Toilet paper rolls; plain paper; paint

Cherry Blossom Craft

You’ll need: Pink tissue paper; liquid school glue; white cardstock; brown marker; craft scissors

Cherry Blossom Craft from www.toddleratplay.com

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