Inclusive Indy

Inclusive Indy will be a section in the April issue of Indy's Child. We invite you to share your programs and services with our readers.

One of the great things about Indianapolis is that more businesses, communities, and individuals are coming together to embrace inclusivity — especially with regard to people who have special needs. You can take your child to watch a sensory-friendly film at a local movie theatre where talking, dancing, and making noise is encouraged. You can play with your kiddo at a playground that's specifically designed with children of all abilities in mind. It’s uplifting to see these kinds of examples of inclusiveness happening all over Indy and we're excited to highlight some of these great experiences.



» Sensory-friendly & Inclusive Experiences

We’re highlighting some of the many sensory-friendly places around town that children with autism and their families can have fun, including playgrounds, restaurants, museums, movie theaters and more.

CLICK HERE to see an example of Inclusive Experiences from our previous Inclusive Indy Magazine.

» The Benefits of Summer Camp for Kids with Special Needs

There are so many positive benefits to summer camp — and this also extends to camps for kids with special needs. This article will offer some of the perks of camp … for both the child and the parent!

» Accessibility & Fun For All

Get ready for summer and make it the best season yet! We’ll provide tips for staying active and finding fun for kids with limited mobility, disabilities and special sensory needs.

» New Autism Diagnosis: Five Steps to Help Your Child Succeed

Receiving a diagnosis that your child has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be overwhelming and life-changing, and you probably have lots of questions. What happens next? How can you help your child? Here are some tips you can use to ensure that your child lives their best life.

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Space Reservation Deadline:
March 7
Ad Copy Deadline: March 8
Street Date: March 24


