Early Learning Indiana Giving Tuesday

Want to give back this holiday season and make a difference? After the madness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, join Early Learning Indiana in celebrating Giving Tuesday! Help us kick off the season of generosity on Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2015. Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back. It started as an idea about taking a break from consumerism during the holiday season to connect with our community and now has turned into a worldwide movement. People around the world will come together to celebrate generosity and to give of their time, talent or treasures.

Want to make a difference in the life of a young child? Consider making a gift to Early Learning Indiana’s Tuition Assistance Program, which provides scholarships to children in need enabling them to receive a Day Early Learning education. For the child from a low-income family who is at-risk of starting school behind his peers, exposure to an excellent early education program greatly improves their quality of life and chances for the future. And for the parent barely able to make ends meet, being able to work or attend school full-time can make all the difference in the family’s stability, self-sufficiency, and future.

Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to Early Learning Indiana. Your gift will help change a life, change a family and build a better community.

Don’t forget to share what you’re doing for this global day of giving by taking an #UNselfie about why you give and share on Facebook,Twitter or Instagram. Remember to use the hashtag  #GivingTuesDAYearlylearning. What’s an #UNselfie? A simple self-portrait that captures your inspirations for giving back and inspires others to give.

Get your kids involved in Giving Tuesday too! Think about ways you can give back this holiday season and how you can teach your children about generosity. Here are some ideas: 
  1. Ask your kids what they are thankful for and encourage them to say thank you by doing something kind for others.
  2. Make a family challenge to have each family member do at least one act of kindness per day. Help with your siblings’ chores. Open the door for a neighbor. Do one small act a day to make a difference.
  3. Volunteer with your kids in the local community.
  4. Ask your children to select a toy or gift to donate to charity to give to children in need. Or organize a toy, clothing or book drive in your community.
  5. Make a donation to the Day Early Learning Tuition Assistance Program –  a program that provides scholarships to children in need enabling them to get an early education and high quality care that they need to succeed in school and life.

Early Learning Indiana is the largest and most venerable not-for-profit early childhood education provider in the state, operating 11 high-quality Day Early Learning centers and directly serving 1,350 children, ages six weeks to six years old every year.  Child Care Answers, a team of early childhood experts that work to improve programs, support professionals and engage families in Central Indiana, welcomes partnerships around the education, training, coaching and outreach programs that they implement. Partnerships for Early Learners, a new statewide outreach initiative funded by the Lilly Endowment, increases access and improves quality among early childhood providers statewide through workforce development and innovative partnerships.  Early Learning Indiana’s mission is to assure the highest level of early childhood education for children in Indiana.  We employ a research-based curriculum in every classroom that addresses a child’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth with opportunities for each child to explore and learn. Believing in the whole child, Early Learning Indiana takes a comprehensive approach to ensure a child’s complete well-being by providing nutritious meals, plenty of physical activity, health and immunization clinics, vision screening and referrals, dental clinics, early identification of special needs, and coordination with intervention specialists. Solid foundations built early in life mean that children transition better into elementary school and continue their path of learning, graduating from high school, going to college or joining the workforce, and ultimately breaking the cycle of poverty in which many of their lives begin. 
Indy's Child
Indy's Child
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