We’re all concerned about the spread of COVID-19, learning loss, social isolation and the safety of our children.
In response to these concerns, Education Station is offering full-day tutoring support in our centers throughout the Indianapolis area.
Education Station’s goal is to support parents who are struggling to work from home and manage online learning. Our small group setting is also an alternative for children who are struggling with social isolation due to COVID-19. Each cohort is staffed with a lead instructor and an instructional assistant. Instructors ensure students are logging on, meeting with their teachers and completing their instructional program. They also provide additional academic support as needed. Instructors communicate daily with parents by helping students maintain an assignment tracker which parents and instructors review and sign each day.
While practicing safety precautions and working hard academically, we also make time for fun and community building. Every morning, each cohort of students participates in Morning Meeting. Morning Meeting consists of a greeting, time to share about important events in the student’s lives, a group activity and a message from the instructor. Twice per day students go outside with their cohorts to enjoy time outdoors, just being kids.
Education Station takes the health and safety of your children seriously. During the day students remain in small cohorts where masks are worn, social distancing is practiced, hands are washed frequently, and high touch areas are sanitized regularly. We will keep up to date with the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and our local and state government. We are encouraged by the learnings and takeaways from the childcare centers in New York City and other cities that stayed open during lockdowns to care for the children of essential workers. While there were recorded cases of COVID-19, there were no incidents of more than one case at a time per site. Please Education Station’s website at www.edslcenters.com for our full COVID-19 safety plan.
Education Station center hours are Monday-Friday, 7:45 am-3:30 pm. We offer aftercare services from 3:30 pm-5:30 pm. Our centers offer unparalleled services at competitive prices.
Please visit Education Station at www.edslcenters.com, contact us via email at [email protected] or by phone at 317-416-3212.
We look forward to serving your family as we work together to make it through this unprecedented time in history. Enroll today, demand is high and space is limited!