Conner Prairie’s Headless Horseman rides again

There are no limits to the number of spooky activities you can do with your kids in and around Indy. From trick or treats to trunk or treats to someone just handing you treats, your kids can and likely will be hopped up on sugar all month long. I am always on the lookout for an activity that is family friendly, active and seasonal rather than candy-based.

When it comes to Halloween activities that fit that bill, there is nothing that can beat Conner Prairie’s Headless Horseman.

Conner Prairie Headless Horseman _ Indy's Child

If you’ve never been, let me fill you in on the back-story: The current Mayor of Conner Scarie {CP’s halloween alter ego} has turned himself into a rabbit. You and your kids can go visit him in all his fuzzy glory shortly after entering the event.

Conner Prairie Headless Horseman _ Indy's Child

But in his absence, the citizens of Conner Scarie {you!} are charged with electing a new mayor. If you weren’t sick of elections already, at least here you’ll find a candidate you can really SINK YOUR TEETH INTO!! See what I did there?

Conner Prairie Headless Horseman _ Indy's ChildAs you walk around the “town” you’ll meet your candidates: Dr. Acula, Beautisha, Holly Ween, Ed {no last name needed!} and of course the Headless Horseman. You are encouraged to vote for your favorite after you view all their various displays and demonstrations.

Conner Prairie Headless Horseman _ Indy's Child

Although, I strongly suspect this election is rigged since Headless wins every year – ha! Their displays include science experiments, comedy shows, magical stories and beauty tips. There is something there for every kid. And that’s without even considering the main event: The hayride.
Conner Prairie Headless Horseman _ Indy's ChildGroups are created in 15 minute increments to prevent excessive wait times. So, feel free to walk around until the signs display your ride time and even then I’d wait to get in line until closer to your assigned time. Once you are in line expect about 15-20 min of wait, so maybe grab a snack for the kids to munch on {you’ll thank me later}. I recommend the 7pm or 7:15pm ride, just as the sun sets.

Conner Prairie Headless Horseman _ Indy's Child

Okay following are details about the ride itself… This is offered in case your child or husband scares easily! Don’t read this next section though if you want to be surprised! The ride itself is not particularly scary. A few people jump out at you but nothing is gruesome or bloody.

Conner Prairie Headless Horseman _ Indy's Child

The pièce de résistance is when the Horseman rides up and along your wagon swinging well above your heads with his sword. He comes out twice and those who are in the back of the wagon get the brunt of his taunting since he rides along the back and taps at you for a few seconds.

FIRST TIME VISITING CONNER PRAIRIE? Read our first-timers guide to Conner Prairie here.

Mostly it’s just amazing how a person manages to ride a horse with their head covered. Every year I’m really impressed by whoever that Horseman is!!

Conner Prairie Headless Horseman _ Indy's Child

Overall this event is the highlight of my fall season with my family! It’s educational, it’s scary and there’s little to no candy handed out to your kids so it’s one of the few events that won’t result in a sugar crash. Oh and yes, this is your last chance to enjoy the 1859 Balloon Voyage before it deflates for the season. It’s the perfect capper to the evening!

MORE INFO: Conner Prairie is a nationally acclaimed interactive history park located at 13400 Allisonville Road in Fishers. The Headless Horseman runs October 20-23th and 27-30th. Gates are open from 6-9pm although activities and the hayrides may run past 10pm. Tickets are required although there are special nights {Thursdays and Sundays} when members can get in for free. Visit their website or call {800} 966-1836 for more details.


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