Victory Learning Center

Victory Learning Center is a faith-based, fun, loving, safe, and a structured environment, where young children learn through education, extracurricular activities, games, field trips and play. Our program is designed to nurture and meet the individual needs of preschoolers 3 and 4 year old’s through 2nd grade. We’re now enrolling for the 2023-2024 Academic School Year!

General Info:
Address: 5150 Moller Road, Indianapolis
Phone: (317) 941-6603

Q&A with Victory Learning Center:

What makes Victory Learning Center unique?

We are a Family at Victory Learning Center dedicated to affirming, loving and strengthening the children in Christian faith and values. Victory Learning Center’s mission statement calls us to action for the benefit of our school and community. This action is to develop creative minds and lifelong learners through “” stewardship, overcoming obstacles, academic excellence, and responsibility, these are the foundational skills that will promote and strengthen the students to achieve their goals no matter what life challenges they are presented with; and will empower them to make their dreams a reality!

Good Education
Quality learning requires friendly, qualified and motivated teachers, and instruction that students can understand.

Students get to experience a true learning environment that prepares them for academic excellence. Here are a few courses included in tuition that our children experience on a weekly basis: CHESS, SCIENCE, SPANISH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SOCIAL STUDIES, MUSIC and MATH

Our curriculum starts with the teacher who believes in the strength and variety of the child’s self-initiated learning. We have a child centered classroom that responds to children’s needs and helps them to flourish. Yet, our goal for all learners is to be ready for the transition into a traditional elementary school classroom.

Your child is very important to us. Therefore, the school endeavors to maintain open lines of communication with our parents. We provide scheduled conferences, progress reports, monthly newsletters, as well as time for daily “chats” with the staff. We are always ready to assist you or your child. When we function together as a team, we can effectively maximize the most positive results for our children.

Delicious Food
It always feels great to watch your child polish off a healthy, home-cooked meal. Delicious food make kids healthy.

Victory Learning Center
Victory Learning Center

What is Victory Learning Center’s age/grade range?

Our school serves preschoolers ages 3-4 through second grade (that’s 4 grades total)!

What is your enrollment policy? Are there any key dates parents should be aware of?

The learning center is able to enroll children who are 3 by August 1st. When a birth date falls after August 1st, the enrollment will be at the discretion of the director. We have instruction for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 year olds.

Victory Learning Center
Victory Learning Center

Does  Victory Learning Center offer financial assistance?

YES! We have scholarships available and we also accept CCDF.

What are the standard school day hours?

8:45am – 3:15pm

Does your school offer before/after school care? Does your school offer afterschool activities?


Victory Learning Center school Valentine's Craft Activity - God's Love is Overflowing
Victory Learning Center school Valentine’s Craft Activity – God’s Love is Overflowing

Is there a uniform or dress code?

Boys and girls are required to wear polo style shirts (any color) and slacks. Fridays the children are able to wear clothes of their choice, (no midriffs, no short shorts, no short skirts).
We also have a uniform donation closet for families in need.

How many children are in each class? How are children divided up?

10 children per class.

Victory Learning Center Field Trip to the Pike Fire Department
Victory Learning Center Field Trip to the Pike Fire Department

Does your school have a homework policy?

Children are given homework on weekly basis according to grade, subject and skill level. Homework is given at the discretion of the teacher.

Does Victory Learning Center offer support for students with special needs?

Yes as identified by our licensed teacher, director and with the support and help of the parent(s).

What specialty classes / extracurricular activities does your school offer (gym, art, language, sports etc.)?

We offer, Spanish, Chess, Physical Education, Social Studies, Science, Math and Music on a weekly basis. We also regularly attend educational field trips to places like the Children’s Museum, Indianapolis Zoo, Butler Planetarium, Connor Prairie, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, just to name a few.

Victory Learning Center
Victory Learning Center Field Trip to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum

What are your school’s safety policies?

VLC complies with General Statues of the State of Indiana,
which are:
• No child will be handled roughly in any way including shaking,
pushing, shoving, pinching, slapping, biting, kicking, or spanking.
• No child shall ever be disciplined for not sleeping during rest period.
• No child shall be disciplined for toileting accidents or any other accidents.
• Foods shall not be withheld as a means of discipline.

All emergency procedures are posted in the building and the students practice and train for such catastrophes as a tornado, fire or other natural disaster.
Our school remains locked at all times, entry is allowed through our security system. and parents must sign their child in and out. Only persons authorized by the custodial parents are allowed to pick up children and this must be stated in writing from the parent.

Parents are also encouraged to schedule meetings with teachers if they have any safety or educational concerns.

Reporting of Abuse or Neglect
Our trained teachers and staff are required by law to report any signs, symptoms or indications of child abuse or neglect to the Indiana State Department of Child Services.

Victory Learning Center remains vigilant in monitoring the COVID-19 epidemic and the state guidelines to determine closures, mask mandates, etc.


What extra safety measures is your school taking during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Our COVID Guildelines are based on the following:
Reliance upon our local and national public health experts including the CDC, Marion County Public Health Department, Indiana State Department of Health

Protection of the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff by the adoption of thoughtful and expert-informed risk mitigation

Individuals Who Have COVID Symptoms
As a reminder, if your child has 2 or more COVID-19 symptoms we recommend that your child is tested before returning to school. If they are negative, they may return when their symptoms are resolved. If you choose not to test your child, they will need to stay home for 5 days and wear a mask for the next 5 days at school.

Individuals Who Have Tested Positive for COVID-19
Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, must stay home and isolate for five (5) days if they have a positive COVID-19 test. As long as symptoms have improved and the individual has been fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication, they may return to school on day six (6). Upon return to school, students and staff will be required to mask on days 6 – 10.

Additionally, we have evening cleaning and sanitation of our center. The children are also educated and prepped on proper handwashing techniques to minimize the potential spread of COVID and other communicable viruses.

Victory Learning Center remains vigilant in monitoring the COVID-19 epidemic and the state guidelines to determine closures, mask mandates, etc.

Who should parents contact for more information about your school?

Victoria Wheaton
Victory Learning Center
[email protected]

Judith Williams
Marketing Director
[email protected]