A rare total solar eclipse occurs August 21, 2017, and The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is a perfect place for families and children to view it together while science educators explain the phenomenon of the moon moving across the sun, which creates a nighttime experience in the middle of the afternoon.
Not since 1979 has a total solar eclipse occurred in the continental United States, and the next one won’t happen again until 2024. Although the path of totality crosses just south of us in Kentucky, Hoosiers are expected to see a significant eclipse beginning at 1:00 p.m. (EST), with the maximum eclipse approximately 2:30 p.m. (EST).
Visitors to The Children’s Museum will be provided with free, safe eclipse-viewing glasses and will gather together on museum grounds with staff scientists who will discuss the spectacle and answer questions from curious little learners and their grownups.
“Providing scientific context, content, and opportunities for our visitors to delve deeper into STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) is the exciting result of the museum’s recent establishment of the Heritage Group Center for Family Learning in STEM,” said Dr. Jeffrey H. Patchen, president and CEO, The Children’s Museum. “Out-of-this-world exhibits including Beyond Spaceship Earth and the Schaefer Planetarium and Space Object Theater encourage our young visitors to reach for the stars.”
On weekend days from now through the morning of the total solar eclipse, children and families can learn much more about the astrological event by visiting the museum’s STEMLab to participate in a special program called Shadow of the Moon. Visitors can learn what causes this rare event, and how to view an eclipse safely. All participants will receive a pair of eclipse glasses. Both the Shadow of the Moon program and the opportunity to view the eclipse with museum science educators are free with general admission.
About The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is a nonprofit institution committed to creating extraordinary learning experiences across the arts, sciences, and humanities that have the power to transform the lives of children and families. For more information about The Children’s Museum, visitwww.childrensmuseum.org, follow us on Twitter @TCMIndy, Instagram@childrensmuseum, YouTube.com/IndyTCM, and Facebook.