New Mindfulness Tool Available on Kickstarter

Every parent has times where you want to pull your hair out. The kids are being wild. No matter how many times you have asked them to settle down, they seem to get more rowdy. A term that resonates well with children, while avoiding any labeling or calling them “bad” is the term “Monkey Mind.”

Local entrepreneur, Olivia Roney (creator of Crouching Tigers martial arts for kids), has developed an easy and fun way to help children calm down and refocus by combining a beautifully illustrated book about “monkey mind” with a mindfulness tool that children LOVE to use.

Your Chime is a mindfulness book and tool for children ages 3 and up.

“One of the goals of the tool is to replace the need for a time out,” Roney explained. The book gives step-by-step instructions on how to “chime out” and parents within the Your Chime pilot study found the “chime out” method to be far more effective than the time out method.

“My daughter asks to chime-out all the time. 
I love giving her all of the tools I can to help her calm down.”

— Enza Kolp, Parent


Only available for pre-order on Kickstarter until April 18th
Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that allows creative projects to come to life by giving backers (you!) the opportunity to make a “pledge” in exchange for a “reward.” By backing Your Chime on Kickstarter, you can choose the reward of your choice ranging from a finalized Your Chime product (complete with the book, chime and accessories), an autographed copy of the book or the opportunity for your child and/or your entire family to be IN the book!
If the Kickstarter does not reach the funding goal, backers are not charged and the project does not come to life. 

This project has been in the works for over a year and the Your Chime book has been read to over 500 children in the Indianapolis area. The feedback from kids and parents has shaped the illustrations and the custom project. Now Your Chime needs YOUR support to make the entire thing come to life. Please check out the Kickstarter and become a backer to help this project get into the hands of families everywhere.

Click here to back Your Chime on Kickstarter today!

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