Indianapolis Birthday Party Options Form

Cost: $295
Deadline: June 10

Who will you reach?

Guarantee 100,000 impressions from July 15, 2022-June 30, 2023 (Impressions guaranteed through Facebook and Google advertising and our own marketing platforms). Each business name will also be listed in the July issue of Indy’s Child Magazine, promoting the Ultimate Guide to Indianapolis Birthday Parties.

What is included?

Digital Listing: The basic digital listing will be included in the Multi-Advertiser eBlast (20,000 subscribers) sent out on July 19. The birthday listing will also be Included in the Indianapolis Birthday Party article (shared with over 50,000 social media fans). Example of eBlast. Example of article. 
The Ultimate Guide to Indianapolis Birthday Parties: Each birthday party business will have its own article about its birthday party opportunities. Businesses will fill out our online interview and will be able to include up to 10 photos and 1 video per page. These articles will be optimized for google and will serve as a great resource for parents looking to book their child’s next birthday party. Please visit our “Ultimate Guide To Indianapolis Preschools” to see an example of how these pages will look.