How to you go Geocaching with Kids

What is Geocaching?

Geocaching is like a scavenger hunt paired with a game of hike-and-seek. Sometimes there’s a prize involved. Other times, it’s just the thrill of the hunt. Geocaching is technically a sport, according to Indiana’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR). It is played right under your nose in parks, businesses and other outdoor venues. And the best part about geocaching is that anyone can play, as long as you follow the rules. 

Geocaching with kids is a great way to get families outdoors together. Here are some important things to know about the game and how to get started. 

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What is a Cache? 

A cache is a very small container, typically just big enough to hold a logbook with a golf pencil, and may have a small trinket inside. However, there are some caches called “containerless caches” which may mean there’s not a physical container to find. Players place the cache in a spot meant to make the search fun. But also to bring other players to a particularly picturesque area or historical location. 

Geocaching Rules

Players can visit (CLICK HERE)  and search for their area. Many people geocache while traveling, but it is also a fun way to pass an afternoon at a local park.

GPS coordinates for each cache are provided, and often, include clues or puzzles. When you find a cache, mark your name and date on the small notebook or piece of paper included in the cache. You can take the trinket inside the cache, and leave your own trinket. 

If players choose, they can also find spots to hide a cache. If placed in a town park, public property or business location, simply register the cache on the website for others to find. To hide a cache at a state park, things can be a little trickier because property managers want to ensure players aren’t placing caches in sensitive or restricted areas. 

Visit for more information on geocaching on private property. 

Why you should go Geocaching with Kids? 

Geocaching with kids is an easy outdoor game the whole family can play together.  It’s challenging, and there are lots of puzzles and clues to figure out, which keeps everyone thinking creatively. Keeping a keen eye on the nature around you, kids and adults are able to experience areas they may not have ventured to in the past. Therefore, everyone can learn more about their world in the process.

Geocaching is worldwide, making it a fun treasure hunt on a long car ride or a trip to the local park. There are different levels of difficulty, making the game enjoyable and challenging for all ages … and you might just find a new favorite spot to visit. 

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