If you want combine family fun with a good cause, then consider the Love Your Neighbor 5K Run/Walk on April 29 at White River State Park!
This family event—which includes a 1 Mile Family Fun Run/Walk—is hosted by St. Vincent de Paul Indianapolis (SVdP Indy). All proceeds benefit the unsheltered in our community:
– $50 provide unsheltered neighbors with a backpack containing shirts, pants, socks, underwear and toiletries.
– $250 gives five unsheltered neighbors backpacks with clothing and toiletries
– $500 provides a backpack, weather-resistant tent, sleeping bag and tarp for two
unsheltered neighbors
Cool Off Afterwards
After you get your steps in, then you can enjoy the Beer Garden (age 21+) or the Root Beer Garden if you’re a younger participant.
Make It a Team Effort
Consider making it a group activity—invite neighbors, friends, church parishioners, etc. and form a team. Team participants sign up for their selected race through the normal registration process and opt to participate in team fundraising.
Ready, Set Go!
Sign up to run/walk online and we’ll see you on April 29!