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500 Festival Miler Series, presented by OrthoIndy

202205feb(feb 5)9:00 am02apr(apr 2)12:00 pm500 Festival Miler Series, presented by OrthoIndy(February 5) 9:00 am - (April 2) 12:00 pm(GMT-05:00) Pan American Pavillion, 201 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46225CategoryOutdoors,Race,Sporting Event,Train Event

Event Details

3-Miler Saturday, February 5, 2022 | 9 am ET
6-Miler Saturday, March 5, 2022 | 9 am ET
10-Miler Saturday, April 2, 2022 | 8 am ET

The 500 Festival Miler Series, presented by OrthoIndy, consists of three different races, a 3-Miler, 6-Miler, and 10-Miler, that start and finish in downtown Indianapolis. The date and distance of the races coincides with a typical training program for a spring distance race, such as the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon.

The Miler Series is the perfect opportunity to help you gauge your training progression, practice your race day strategy (hydration, pacing, fueling), meet a running partner, have fun, and earn some swag!

Not training for a race? These events also provide an opportunity to get moving and accomplish your fitness goals! Register for the full Miler Series (all 3 races) and you’ll receive a gender-specific tech shirt and the official Podium Finisher medal, in addition to bragging rights for perfect attendance!


February 5(saturday) 9:00am - April 2(saturday) 12:00pm(GMT-05:00)


Pan American Pavillion

201 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46225

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