Ultimate Guide: Preschool Interview Questions

Cost: $395

What will you receive? 

Ultimate Guide to Indianapolis Preschools

The Ultimate Guide to Indianapolis preschools gives each participating school the opportunity to tell readers the story of their school. In a Q&A format, schools will be able to provide parents with answers to some of the most important questions parents ask when searching for a preschool. View 2023 Ultimate Guide to Indianapolis Preschools. 

Digital Listing (*Must Sign up by Dec. 1 to be included in email portion)

  • The listing will include a business name, address, an image or logo, plus a 50-word description.
  • Multi-advertiser eBlast to be sent out on December 17thCLICK HERE to view an example of a multi-advertiser blast. (*Must sign up by Dec. 1 to be included in the email)
  • Included in the ”Great Indianapolis Preschools” online article. CLICK HERE to view last year’s article version.

Who will you reach? 

Digital Listing 

The eBlast will be sent to our 19,500+ subscribers PLUS it will be featured on our website and will be boosted to our 67,000+ social media followers. Indy’s Child will also invest in targeted Facebook and Google ads to guarantee good results to ensure that the article receives great traffic and engagement.

Ultimate Preschool Guide

With the use of Facebook and Google ads, we guarantee this guide reaches over 500,000 parents between Dec. 1-March 1. Interviews will stay online for 1 year, and updates can be made if needed.

What about organic reach?

Our preschool article and guide received over 8,000 visitors in the past year. These visitors found us from searching keywords such as “Indianapolis Preschool” and “Preschools near me”.