Do you know anyone with a food allergy? This potentially deadly disease affects 1 in every 13 children {under 18 years of age} in the U.S. according to Food Allergy Research and Education or F.A.R.E.
That’s roughly two kids in every classroom. That means 1 in every 13 children in the US who go trick-or-treating might be able to eat a few treats from the night but will likely have to give the rest away.
The Teal Pumpkin Project was started to make trick-or-treating fun for all children.
Some Teal Pumpkin FAQ:
- Q: Can I still give out candy? A: Sure – just do it safely! The point of the Teal Pumpkin Project is to make trick-or-treating as inclusive as possible. You can keep the experience safe by keeping your food treats and non-food treats in separate bowls.
- Q: Are there any non-food treats that I should avoid? A: There are a few considerations when choosing which non-food items to hand out. First, some non-food items still contain food allergens. For example, some brands of moldable clay contain wheat. Additionally, try to choose latex-free items, as there are children who have latex allergies.
- Q: If I’m handing out candy and non-food treats, how do I determine which treat to give to each trick-or-treater? A: You can either ask trick-or-treaters if they have any food allergies, or give every visitor a choice of which treat they’d like: candy or a non-food item.
- Q: How do I know which houses in my area are participating? A: F.A.R.E. is providing a crowd-sourced Fever Map that allows people participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project to add their home address, street or neighborhood. Adding your household to the map shows your support and allows you to connect with other families in your area who are participating.
The Teal Pumpkin Project was inspired by a local awareness activity run by the Food Allergy Community of East Tennessee {FACET} and launched as a national campaign by FARE in 2014. Last year, households from all 50 states and 14 countries participated. This is a worldwide movement to create a safer, happier Halloween for all trick-or-treaters.
For the complete FAQ and downloadable activities check out the Teal Pumpkin Project website or email [email protected].