Parent & Me Volunteer Program at The Humane Society of Indianapolis

Many children love animals. And that’s why it’s a great idea to get kids to understand pet responsibility and empathy as early as possible. The Humane Society of Indianapolis offers Parent & Me volunteer opportunities for children eight and older (along with an adult). Children can learn to be responsible pet owners through hands-on care for cats and dogs.

Parent & Me Volunteer at the Humane Society of IndianapolisThrough their involvement with the Parent & Me program, children learn about responsible pet care and gain a sense of accomplishment. In 2021 alone, 2,835 animals were adopted at IndyHumane. Volunteering to work at an animal shelter is a great way to feel good about helping to find forever homes for homeless pets.

There is a great need at IndyHumane to ensure the animals get kennel-free time exercising and socializing, and have a comfortable, tidy kennel. Through training, Parent & Me volunteers learn how to safely care for the animal’s needs. The organization provides parents with clear guidelines on how to safely care for the kenneled animals. For example, some dogs are required to be cared for by a more advanced volunteer (an ACC, or “advanced canine companion”).

Parent & Me Volunteer at the Humane Society of Indianapolis

The impact that children volunteers have on shelters may seem minimal, but the lessons they learn will help them grow into empathetic adults who will make the world a better place. If interested, visit, submit a volunteer application, complete online training, then schedule a shadow visit. Volunteers must donate 4 to 8 hours a month on a set weekly or bi-weekly schedule. There is a $20 per person volunteer fee, which helps cover the cost of the volunteer shirts. Assistance is available if needed. An adult (21+) must always be present for volunteering.

7929 N. Michigan Rd., Indianapolis |

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