Our 2021 Camp Fair will look a little different this year. We will be launching a Virtual Camp Fair from February 1 – June 30 that will be a great resource for parents to learn about the many camp and summer programs from the safety and comfort of their homes. The Virtual Camp Fair will be a comprehensive guide to serve parents as there have never been more options for summer camps and programs. The Virtual Camp Fair will be a collection of interviews with local programs answering the questions parents most frequently ask when looking for a summer camp program for their child.

Who will you reach?

Between the print and digital components, the Virtual Summer Camp Fair will reach a wide range of parents in the Indianapolis area. With the use of digital ads, we are able to guarantee a minimum of 1,000,000 impressions from our target audience on the digital article. Below is an outline of our marketing plan to achieve these results. 

  • Five full-pages ads in Indy’s Child Magazine (February – June) — All participating camps will be listed in the ads beginning with the March issue
  • Ads on weekly eNewsletter (Mondays & Wednesdays)
  • Leaderboard ad on IndysChild.com
  • Dedicated eBlast to our subscribers
  • Programmatic advertising targeted to parents with children ages 3-12
  • Google and Facebook targeted ads
  • Multiple boosted social media posts

Package Options

Print Directory Listing Only

$125 per month
  • Camp Guide Listing Indy's Child Magazine Camp Directory
  • Available in the March- June 2021 Issues


  • Virtual Fair -- All Gold Sponsor participants will be listed at the top of the Virtual Camp Fair and Indy's Child full-page ads in alphabetical order below the Platinum Sponsors
  • 1/4 page ad in Official Camp Fair Program
  • Dedicated Boosted Post on Facebook (40,000+ followers)
  • Inclusion in all multi-advertiser eBlasts

Virtual Camp Fair Booth

  • Virtual Camp Fair
  • Camp listing in Official Camp Fair Program

Platinum PACKAGE (LIMIT 6)

  • Top position on Virtual Camp Fair page
  • full-page ad in Official Camp Fair Program
  • Camp Guide Listing in Indy's Child Magazine Camp Directory (March-June)
  • Dedicated Boosted Post on Facebook (40,000+ followers)
  • Exclusive eBlast (18,500 subscribers)
  • Logo included on the Indy's Child full-page ads
  • Inclusion in all multi-advertiser eBlasts

Virtual Camp Fair Form